I want to recognize the following people, because they have written,
Joseph Amante y Zapata
Tamara Garcia Paul A LaForte Kelly Mungary Greg Roy Great-great-grandchildren of Red Cloud, Lakota Chief
Debra M. , P.
Reskool, Great-great-grandchildren of Sitting Bull, Lakota Chief Stacey Low Dog-Scares Hawk, Native Peoples E-mail Contact List
Dear Mr. Welker,
The Multimedia
Development Lab is a student run web site design class at Boston University.
Every semester the MDL creates a web page
for a non-profit organization, this semester we are creating a site called
the Ooch, after Oochigeas the heroin you wrote about on your site. The Ooch
is a site for children with cancer to participate with on the web. MDL felt
that the story of Oochigeas is the most inspirational story for us to use
on our site.
is in the process of creating a protype for our client. In an attempt to educate
our client and our future users about the Oochigeas story, we intend to use
your story as a REFERENCE. Although we will be changing the story considerably,
MDL wanted to make you aware of our intentions.
Thank you for
your time in this matter.
Pages related
to this story for children:
Pain Of the Past Possible
Cure for Cancer: and
Red Clover
Blossom Tea
Take 20 red
clover blossoms, boil them in a quart of Dosage - 1
tablespoon 4 times a day.
Contact: W.
Roger Lee The following
pages were created upon request, and in return I dedicate A
Coyote's Tales [Native American/Indian] African
Literature & Art Coyote
and the Another One [Native American/Indian] Four
Directions Inc. Grandmother's
Creation Story [Native American/Indian] Latuff's
Zapatista Menu [Mexican/Indian] Lipan
Apache [Native American/Indian] Otavaleño
Literature Indigenous
Peoples of Taiwan [Asia] Chiapas
Menu [Dedicated to the People of Chiapas] Hawaiian
Book of Days [Native American/Indian] Taino
People [Columbus/Caribbean] Prescencia
Taina Latino
Spectrum [Mexico/Latin America] Sun
Child [Native American/Indian] Latvia/Livonia
Peoples Literature [Europe] Tarahumara
of Chihuahua [Mexico] Tracing
Five Generations of a Blackfoot Family Walking
Back the Cat [Native American/Indian] A special thanks
goes to my good friend, Zamata, who
has created very Please view
these outstanding pages at:
Folklore and Culture
The following
two pages will show a complete listing of all files available:
by Graphics
Compiled by: Glenn Welker This site has been accessed 10,000,000 times since February 8, 1996.
thanking me for honoring their grandparents and other relatives at this site:
Grand-nephew of Emiliano Zapata
Marcia Olafson,
Mr. Montano
Descendants of Geronimo, Apache Chief
Descendant of Chief Wolf Robe
Great-grandson of Victorio, Apache Chief
Sherline Colbert
Great-great-great-great grandaughter of Chief Joseph
Great-great-great grandson of Pontiac, Ottawa Chief
Gigi Porter & Lindsey
Huston (Nivy)
Descendants of Quanah Parker, Comanche Chief
Greg McGaa, Hakikte
Narjin Jordan (Sicanju)
Mary Truslow , &
Jean Sill
Roylene Rides at the Door-Waln,
Mike McQueen, Marion
D. Wardrick,
Brigette Watts, & Kim
M. Rarig
Gilbert Walking
Descendant of Crazy Horse
Great-great-granddaughter of Chief Low Dog
Michael B. Davis, Joseph
Brown Thunder
Great-great grandsons of American Horse, Lakota Chief
the Heroine
by: Lousie Morton
Polk Weed Salad
water for 5 minutes. Let stand for twenty-fours.
1776 South Columbia Place
Apartment A12
Decatur, GA 30032
the majority of this web site to these special people. For it is
because of them who make these home pages very meaningful!
(Bill McCarron)
(Yunnus Rafiki and Lesikar
ole Ngila)
(Charles White)
Longwalker (Ernie Peters)
(Muskeke Iskwew) (Sharron
John, Creek)
[Medicine/Healing Woman]
(Daniel Castro Romero. Jr.)
[Dedicated to the People of Otavalo, Ecuador]
(Marcelo Farinango)
(Rebecca C. Fan)
(Debra F. Sanders)
(Roberto Mucaro Barrero)
(Roger Atihuabancex)
Gaelic (Celtic) Peoples Literature [Europe]
(Keridwen S. McKenzie)
(Roberto Rodriguez & Patrisia Gonzales)
(Ed & Megan Berwick)
(Uldis Balodis)
(Victor M. Mendoza)
(Hugh Welch)
(Larry Hill)
beautiful web sites for the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America, and has
also helped me immensely with the design of my sites.
Likewise, please
visit this gorgeous web site,
featuring original artwork of many
famous Indian chiefs, such as:
Geronimo, Chief
Joseph, and Sitting Bull :
by: Sonja
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at This Site
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