"Our stories were us, what we knew, where we came from and where we were going. They were told to remind of us of our responsibility, to instruct, and to entertain. There were stories of the Creation, our travels, our laws. There were legends of hard-fought battles, funny anecdotes - some from the smokehouse, some from the trickster - and there were scary stories to remind us of danger, spiritual and otherwise. Other Stories
Stories were our life and they still are.
Long ago, when time could not be counted, the storyteller made dreams a way of life for those who searched for it. For the young, stories were yet to happen. For the middle, they were what was happening. For the old, what could have been, or wishes unrealized. Yet, for the storyteller all that is said is: true, alive, unquestioned, and the reason for life itself.... Native American
More Stories
Adjusting Our Perspectives to World Realities
Anasazi Echoes - Reflections on our future from the past
Ancient One
Arch Rock on Mackinac Island
(Barbed) Wired for Controversy
Buffalo Help Heal the Spirit
Burial Grounds
Child of the Sun (Book)
Clash of Values
Climbing the Mountain
Conflict, Chaos and Choices
Conversation of Four Elements
A Coyote's Tales
Dear Teacher
Defying the Census
Earl's Dead Dog
Enough of White Man's ASCII
Fields of Dreams
First Fire
Fish Dog Skin
George Catlin's Tribute to Native Americans
Ghost Stallion
Hawaiian Book of Days (Book)
How the Blackfoot got the Buffalo Jump (Piskun)
Indian Logo Themes: Why They Are Racist!
Indians and Mestizos in the Americas
Indians in Fiction
Indigenous Women
Kip a ta ki (Old Woman)
Lost Warrier
March on Washington: A Prayer In Motion
Meal for Nata'Yowa
Millenniums and other Beginnings
North High Redskins Mascot
Old Man
Only Good Indian
Origin of the Names of U.S. States
Respect - The Key To Life
Sacred Geography
Sedna, the Witch Under the Sea
Star Maiden
Story of the Loon
Story of Wild Berries
A Tachi Yokut Myth
Tale of Brother Owl
Think Indian
Tracing Five Generations of a Blackfoot Family
Two-Headed Serpent Prophecy
Walking Back the Cat
We Will Never Forget
What Is Thanksgiving
Why the Mouse Is So Silky
The Way of the Storyteller
Looks for Buffalo is an Oglala Sioux Spiritual Leader, the full-blood Oglala grandson of Chief Red Cloud and White Cow Killer, and a Cheyenne Oglala Leader. He saw in a vision that a White Buffalo was coming to the people and that it would mean world peace. His vision foretold of the White Buffalo that was born in Janesville, Wisconsin two years ago. He resides on the Pine Ridge Reservation in SD
A Native American Christmas
Looks for Buffalo
Sandie Lee
Sandie Lee Bohlig, spiritual healer, counsels and teaches around the globe
Bridging Worlds of Misunderstanding
Garbage People/Children of the Street
Husband and Wife Team Heal the Spirit
Lost In Mexico
Maya Indians No Longer Hide Ancient Faith Behind Catholicism
Mexico Honors Indians of the Past?
Mexico's Indigenous Peoples United by Shared History
Mexico's Indigenous Peoples Expanding Drive for Greater Autonomy
Millennium of the Chile
Not All Mexicans Speak Spanish
Running for Peace and Dignity
Six Racers Are Running for Their Lives
Soy Indio
Tarahumara Victim of Mental Health System
Treaty of Guadalupe Is Still Relevant Toda
We Smell a Stereotypical Rat
Zapatistas Inspire Grassroots Leadership Worldwide
"When the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the
South fly together, the Earth will awaken.
The Eagles of the North cannot be free
without the Condors of the South.
Now it is happening. Now is the time."
Latin American
Chile's Democracy in Question as It Contemplates Joining NAFTA
Death of Hero Recalls Anti-Discrimination Struggles
Exposing the Fallacy of the "War on Drugs"
False Patriotism Fosters Incivility
Fear Grips the Nation
It Takes a Pillage
"La Migra" Charts a New Trail of Tears
Latino Children Wonder About Their Future
Latinos Prepare for Historic March
New Citizen Sends Message to the President
Puerto Rican Young Lords Now Older and Wiser
Puerto Ricans--U.S. Citizens in Limbo
Putting the Lie to 'At Risk'
Seeing More Than Black & White
Students Play a Major Role at Historic Latino March in Washington
Students Vow to Oppose Proposition 209
Unjust Cause: Contra Drugs and Guns Connection Exposed--Again
Why We Must March
Woman Warrior Recalls the Birth of a Movement
Return to Indigenous Peoples' Literature
Compiled by: Glenn Welker
This site has been accessed 10,000,000 times since February 8, 1996.