The following story was taken
from a post on an old AISES bulletin board.
It was submitted by Paula Geise.
In the Anishinabe Migration Story, alcohol is the last
and most evil of the 4 evil gifts that Short Bear Ribs
brought home from his trip back east, where he met 2
ugly, smelly "red-face bear men." who had built a square
wigwam made of tree-trunks. (The first white men ever
seen by the migrating Anishinabeg, red-faced from cold
& alcohol & wearing dirty, shaggy coats.) They
persuaded this hungry, stupid young man to feast on a
bear (his clan totem) that they had killed. (This was in
itself an evil, to eat his clan totem animal; there is
some background to this story about the clans I don't
want to go into now.) They told Short Bear Ribs to take
the 4 evil gifts as "sample trade goods" back to his
people. He didn't know what that meant, but he took the
4 evil things as gifts, which everyone understands, or
so they think.
Short Bear Ribs returned to the sacred island with the 4
evil gifts; a mirror (encouraging self-centered vanity,
instead of seeing your appearance reflected in the
smiling eyes of a friend or beloved): red calico
(signifying that the land would be traded for worthless
colored rags); a gun ( the means of the new type of
devastating warfare the people would conduct against
their fellows, Dakota inhabitants of the lands the
Migration was moving into); and last; the most evil:
alcohol. Its evilness was proven by what was immediately
done with it on Moningwaakunig (Madeline) island, WI,
where the 5th fire of the Migration had ben lit.
Elders pondered whether this drink might be poison? and
found a friendless forlorn old woman who had no
relatives left to look after her. "Drink this" they said
and waited to see if she would get sick or die, or
whether it would be safe for them to drink. She began to
fling her creaky old bones around, to scream and sing in
her old lonely voice that no grandchildren listened to,
to screech and laugh where she had softly wept from
hunger when no one remembered her after a hunt.
"Oh, this is good stuff!" the elders said and began
grabbing and drinking from that big jug. From this, what
those supposedly wise leaders did, you can see: it is
not alone alcohol, but that this poison attacks people
through existing weaknesses of spirit. Those elders were
not wise; those people had not cared for that lonely old
woman. They made both a deadly experiement and a mockery
of her when she had no one--they should have been the
ones--to protect her and take care of her. Through these
weaknesses of theirs, the poison of the 4th evil gift
took over. But everyone has weaknesses; this poison can
always find something to work through.
Soon the sacred island wher the big Midewiwin lodge had
first been raised, where the Bear had given secrets of
new medicines to the people, had become a riotous,
dangerous, disgusting place. People were fighting,
killing each other, talking loud & senseless,
vomiting and pissing on the medicine ground, the arbors,
the Fifth Fire. Sober people--quiet sad families
carrying their wounded, their passed-out or sick
drunks--left the island. And from the drunks who stayed
there drinking, arose within them those corrupted
spirits which are bear walkers, who do much evil, who
love death, fuck the corpses of the dead, dig up graves,
threaten people with death unless those people do
whatever evil the bear walker wants, kill people with
poisons (both alcohol which they are always offering and
other poisons which matchi-manitou taught them to make).
They commit rapes even of their own young daughters and
their sisters.
All this consequences and the spreading poison, a
spirit-poison (the white man used to call alcohol
"spirits" knowiing that about it: that is a spiritual
poison as well as physical) has weakened the people, has
left our path a bloody and misery-haunted chaos, has
left us awaiting the true kindling of the purifying
Seventh Fire. We no longer know where. Once we were
going there, many others would have met together there,
but we don't now where it is we were supposed to go to
anymore. Through this poison of alcohol, the path and
the grand destination were destroyed among us. Much
suffering over this 300 years since the 5th Fire was put
out by the 4 evil gifts has had to be endured even by
those who themselves never tough the poison.
The 4th evil gift is a racist weapon that has been
mounted against the survival of Indian people. We must
help our young people find ways to combat it. We must
show them by our example how to value each other and to
want to give to others rather than to grab, to buy, to
accumulate possessions. Mahpiya Luta (Red Cloud) tells
us that "love of possessions is a disease among them."
Whether their ancestory kits are "formal dance gowns" or
PowWow regalia, kitchen kits or tipis, bows or uzis,
horses or cars, it doesn't matter. The lesson is the
same: buy, buy, buy, gain status by what you buy and
keep. Young children need to be taught how to love, not
to be consumers.
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Compiled by: Glenn
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