Larry Abbott, middle-school English
teacher, Middlebury, VT; editor of I Stand in the Center of the Good,
a series of interviews with contemporary Native artists
Wilbert H. Ahern, Chair, Division of Social
Sciences, and Professor, History, Univ. of Minnesota-Morris
Ryan Amptmeyer, Dutch heritage, with grand-
parents who participated in the Dutch Resistance; member, Young Commu-
nist League; graduate student, Linguistics, Purdue Univ., West
Lafayette, IN; drug-free since January 1991
Carol Anderson, Assistant professor, Kalamazoo College,
Chris Allen Anderson, Anishinabe from Manitoulin Island,
Ontario, raised in Michigan; studying mathematical sciences, Michigan
Technological Univ., Houghton; works as Conferences Student Coordinator;
plans graduate work in Native American Studies
Eric Anderson, Visiting Lecturer, Native
American History and Literature, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ
Tyson Arnold, Oneida; Sociology major, SUNY-Utica/Rome
Bevan Baas, Navajo; Doctoral student, Electrical Engineering, Stanford
Jordan Bacon, Kaska Dena Nation, British Columbia;
Program Coordinator, Division of Continuing Studies, Univ. of Victoria,
Karren Baird-Olson, Wyandotte, with children who are
enrolled members of the Assiniboine tribe, and grandchildren who are
Wyandotte, Assiniboine, Sioux, and Blackfeet; Assistant Prof., Dept. of
Anthropology, Sociology, and Social Work, Kansas State Univ.,
Manhattan, KS; Ph.D. candidate, Univ. of New Mexico; teaches courses in
criminology and race and ethnic relations; advisor to Native American
student groups at KSU; marched on the Trail of Broken Treaties, 1972;
served as first outside coordinator, Native American Cultural Group,
Montana State Prison; friend and supporter of Leonard Peltier
Cecilia A. Barrera, Comanche; student, Yale
Univ., New London, CT
Martin Baxter, American Indian Science &
Engineering Society member, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu
Eldena Bear Don't Walk, Crow/Salish/Metis from
Billings, MT; studying sociology/criminology at Univ. of Montana, as a
pre-law student
Audrey Bell, Library assistant, Univ. of Texas-
Arlington Central Library; single parent; active in Native American
Support Group of Norway
Danny Bell, Lumbee-Cheraw of Carolina; Student Aid
Office, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Clarisa Bencomo, Chicana raised in Ari-
zona; graduate student, Princeton Univ., NJ; living in Cairo, Egypt,
with spouse, who is an Egyptian human-rights lawyer
Todd Benson, Norwegian-American; Lecturer
in U.S. History, Stanford Univ., CA; also teaches at Foothill College,
Los Altos Hills, CA
John D. Berry, Assistant professor, Oklahoma State Univ.; member, Native
American Faculty and Staff Organization
Christina D. Black, Secretary, Dean's Office,
College of Liberal Arts and Letters, Univ. of Notre Dame, IN; has adopted
a Navajo elder; active in support of Clifford Dann and Leonard Peltier
Benay Blend, Instructor, Louisiana School for Math,
Science, and the Arts, Natchitoches, LA; teaches Native American
Studies and Minority Literature
Thomas Bohuski, Systems programmer, Western Kentucky
Univ., Bowling Green; research astronomer, and teaches astronomy
Elizabeth Bonnett, Winnipeg, Manitoba
P. Bonvillain, Paralegal
, Ojibwe ancestry; Programmer, IBM,
Pittsboro, NC
Jeane Breinig, Haida, Univ. of Washington
William Brescia, Mississippi Choctaw; Development
Officer, Research University Graduate School, Indiana Univ., Bloom-
ington; working on doctorate in Education
Paul W. Bristol Social activist, bilingual advocate,
consultant, writer, teacher, actor, musician, entertainer, father
Jackie Brown, Lenape (Eastern Oklahoma
Delaware) registered through Cherokee tribe of Oklahoma; Cataloguer,
University of Florida Libraries; mother of two daughters, and
married for 28 years
Jay Brummett / Cecala Ptehincalaska - Calf,
Moderation Staff, NativeNet
Neilly A. Buckalew, Kwanitewk
NATIVE Resource/Network, a coalition of Native Peoples/Groups and an
intertribal network in New England for outreach, education, activism,
and rights advocacy
Rahman Ali Bugg, Cherokee ancestry; student, Syracuse
Univ., NY, studying television-radio-film production
Elizabeth Burns, Secretary, Arizona State Univ.
Timothy Bushman, Assini-
boine/Cree from Fort Peck Reservation, Montana; Computer Systems
Technician, Information Systems Dept., Rockwell International, Newport
Beach, Calif.
Alix Casteel, Totonac heritage; Graduate student, literature,
Univ. of Michigan
Lin Collette, Graduate student, Race and Religious
Studies, Union Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio
Linda Cowles, white, some of whose family members
are Cherokee; design engineer; belongs to 17 social, athletic, political,
cultural, and/or religious organizations
Patrick Crowe, Anthropology, State Univ. of
New York at Buffalo
Elaine Cubbins, Doctoral student and instruc-
tor, Library Science, Univ. of Arizona; regular volunteer at the Venito
Garcia Library, Sells, AZ, on the Tohono O'odham reservation
Thaddeus Cunejo, Dine/Ashiwi; Media specialist,
Literacy Programs, El Paso, Texas
R. Michael Czwarno, English, Welsh, Polish, and French
background; Canadian archaeologist, working as Archaeological Computing
Officer, Institute of Archaeology, University College, Univ. of London,
England; works with indigenous peoples of Peru; some professional
affiliations with North American Native peoples
Alx V. Dark, Dept. of Anthropology, New York Univer-
Catherine Degnen, Graduate student,
Medical Anthropology, McGill Univ., Montreal
James Derringer, Potawatomi/Cherokee, Prairie
Band/Thunder Clan; Circulation Supervisor, Math/Science Library, Purdue
Univ., with graduate work in political science and anthropology
Norm Dinges, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Alaska-
Fairbanks; Faculty member, Public Policy, Univ. of Alaska-Anchorage;
over twenty years' experience in mental health and substance abuse
intervention programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Sherry Downing, student, Algoma
University College, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Lucy E. Doyle, Senior statistician, Child and
Family Studies, Florida Mental Health Institute, Univ. of South Flo-
rida, Tampa
Phil Duran, Tigua/Chicano; Information Technol-
ogy, Washington State Univ., Pullman; has worked in higher education
all his professional life; poet, father, grandfather, and husband
Kevin Dye, Humanities instructur, teaching Ameri-
can Indian Literatures, English, and developmental English; works clo-
sely with Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation; Educa-
tion Department; Coordinator of Native American Program supporting
Indian students at Central Oregon Community College
Katharine English, freelance writer and editor;
stringer for COLORS magazine, based in Rome; lives in San Francisco, CA
Mark Fettes, Writer-researcher in the field of
language policy, particularly Aboriginal languages and Esperanto; has
worked with the Assembly of First Nations, the Canadian Centre for
Linguistic Rights, and the Universal Esperanto Association; Ottawa,
Ontario, originally from New Zealand
Richard Fisher, American Cultural Studies,
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Candace M. Fleming, Kickapoo Nation of
Kansas (enrolled member), Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma (registered
voter), and Oneida of Wisconsin; Assistant professor, Univ. of Colorado
Health Sciences Center; Associate Director, Training and Minority Alco-
hol Scholar for the National Center for American Indian and Alaska
Native Mental Health Research; Co-Director, Healthy Nations National
Program Office; President-Elect for the Board of Directors, National
Association for Native American Children of Alcoholics; single adoptive
mother of Lakota/Hispanic girl
Kelly Franklin, Cherokee/Shawnee; Student,
Univ. of Washington; co-secretary, Univ. of Washington First Nations
group; working on a video project studying media images of Native
Heather Franz, Irish and German descent; student,
Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA; concerned with women's rights, and
gay/lesbian and bisexual rights
David Friesenhahn, Student and humanist, Texas A&M
Univ., College Station, Texas
Andrea L. Gadberry, Student in Anthropology,
University of Illinois, studying Native American folklore
Lynn Galiste, Wintu/Filipino; mother of two adult
children; twenty-year member, administrative staff, Univ. of California
Sean Patrick George, Choctaw and European
heritage; Graduate student, Library and Information Science, Louisiana
State Univ., with Psychology degree from Univ. of Southern Mississippi;
former teacher, East Baton Rouge Parish School System, in the Teach for
American Corps; active in honorary, service, and social organizations,
as well as in regional powwows and dancing activities
Brian K. Gill, Cherokee ancestry; Student, Humboldt
State University, Humboldt, California
Gil Gilmore, African American; lawyer, church organ-
ist, activist in progressive causes, Norwalk, CT
Judith M. Gobert, Blackfeet, Nakota, and Salish,
with Shoshone, Nez Perce, German and Scottish ancestors; Mother of
three, daughter, sister, and granddaughter to many; Graduate student,
Microbiology/Biochemistry; AIDS researcher; Division of Biological
Sciences, Univ. of Montana, Missoula
Daniel Gough, Office of Native American Programs,
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Seattle, Washington
Bryan Graeve, Fox heritage; student, Univ. of Wiscon-
Barbara L. Graham, Rosebud Lakota; Doctoral
student, Child Clinical Psychology, Univ. of Minnesota
Joanna Claire Grey, Metis (Cherokee, Kiowa, Irish,
with affiliations to Hupa/Yuork as well); teaches Sociology and
Native American Classes, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Thomas D. Hall, Professor, Dept. of Sociology, DePauw
Univ., Greencastle, IN
Leah Halper, teaches history and journalism, Gavilan
College, San Jose, CA; lives on Ohlone land
Brenda Hamlin-Lehmann, Anishinaabe, White
Earth/Prior Lake Tribes, working at Univ. of Minnesota Human Resources
M. Harper, Anishinaabe, White
I add my name and SPIRIT to your movement to have the name of the great
warrior removed from that product so antithetical to all he lived for...
Lisa Harrison, Administrative specialist, Procter and
Gamble; history and marketing major, Univ. of Cincinnati
Barbara Hauser, Partner, law firm of Gray Plant
Plant Mooty Mooty Bennett; has lived on Navajo reservation for two years
Karen Hawkins, Graduate student, School for
International Training, Brattleboro, VT, studying sustainable develop-
Helen Andon Haynes, Koyukon Athabascan
(Interior Alaska); Deputy Director, Healthy Nations, an initiative
funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to reduce harm to to
alcohol, drug, and tobacco abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native
Michelle Herman, Seneca and German ancestry;
studying Indian literature and film, Univ. of Chicago
David H. Hestand, Texas Cherokee, with family
ties to Eastern Band Cherokee; Detective Lieutenant, Weber State Univ.,
with 27 years' experience in law enforcement; advisor and advocate for
Weber State Campus Native American Council
Mary Hill, doctoral student, Psychology,
Ohio State Univ.
Steve Hinton, Biologist and owner of RS Hinton &
Associates, Portland, Oregon. All of his projects include consulting
and working with native nations of the northwest; the company is dedi-
cated to conservation and preservation of biodiversity, as well as
respect, understanding, and honor for the diversity of cultures in the
Yash Holbrook, Anglo-European; Analyst at a
major international relations thinktank; husband, and father of two
Amye Hommel, Latina; Student, Syracuse Univ., NY
Dee Horne, English Dept., Univ. of Northern British Columbia,
teaching Postcolonial Theory and First Nations Literatures in English
Heather Horton, Creek/Cherokee; Pre-
Pharmacy student, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN
Brian Hosmer, Assistant professor, Univ. of
Delaware, Ethnohistory of Native America; has researched economics and
social transformation issues
Ken E.Kala Hunt, Laguna Pueblo; graduate
student, School of Public Health, Univ. of Hawai'i-Manoa, residing in
Waimanalo, Hawai'i
Emily Hutton, Head of Collection Development,
Colgate Univ. Library, Hamilton, NY
Barbara Inyan, Geography Department, Univ. of
Colorado, Boulder
Jaskoski, Helen, Professor, American
literature, California State University-Fullerton; past editor,
Studies in American Indian Literatures
Simone Jonaitis, Little River Band Ottawa, Grand Valley
State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Dalton Jones, Pamunkey, Cherokee, and African-American
background; father of six-year-old daughter
Walter T. Kawamoto, Student/New Prof. Rep to the
Ethnic Minorities Section of the National Council on Family Relations;
PhD student in Family Studies at Oregon State University
Larry Kibby, Consultant/Director, Western Shoshone
Historic Preservation Society
Maresa Kirk, Circulation Services Coordinator at an
Oregon library
Steven J. Kirk, Free-lance editor; graduate
student, Creative Writing, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
William and Carla Kurtz,
Lower Brule Sioux (Lakota)
M. Daphne Kutzer, Associate professor,
English, State Univ. of New York, living near Awkwesasnea and Oka
Victor Lares, Chicano; Counseling Consultation
Service, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; work emphasizes Chicano/a politics
(social, educational, etc.), as well as those of other ethnic minori-
ties; interested in Chicano/a recruitment and retention in higher edu-
cation; great grandparents assassinated by whites
Joy Lintelmann, History Dept., Concordia College,
Moorhead, Minnesota; teaches Native American and U.S. History
Allan Liska, Department of Sociology, University of
Maryland, College Park
Colette Little Fawn Becker, Cherokee, Baltimore, MD;
Administrative aide, University of Maryland, Baltimore; works with
Piscataway Nation, Maryland
Carol F. L. Liu, Librarian, library administrator, New
York City; President, Library Administration and Management
Association, of the American Library Association; volunteer, American
Indian Community House, New York City
Mary D. Longboat-Musser, Cayuga from the
Six Nations Reserve; sociology major at Univ. of Arkansas, Little Rock;
works in Pathology Dept., Veterans' Administration Hospital; mother of
three children
Mary N. MacDonald, History of Religions, Le
Moyne College, Syracuse, NY
Pat Mail, Public Health Educator/Medical
Anthropologist, who has worked with Indian people for 20 years in Ari-
zona, Washington, Oregon and New Mexico; has documented impact of
alcohol on Indian people; co-compiler of "Tulapai to Tokay" bibliogra-
phy; has worked to establish alcohol counseling, prevention, and
treatment programs in Indian country; regional FAS Prevention Trainer,
David Markham, works at The Health Association, Roch-
ester, NY, which runs the Daybreak Alcoholism Treatment Facility and
also the National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Rochester
Lisa Mason
Admisistrative Assistant United Tribes of the Americas
Janet McAdams, Anglo, Creek, graduate student,
Institute of Liberal Arts, Emory University
Chuck McAfee, employee of
Hewlett Packard working at the American Indian Science Engineering
Society, Boulder, CO
Mary E. McAfee, Doctoral can-
didate, Education, Colorado State Univ., Boulder, studying American
Indians in higher education
Clark McClelland
I am honored to add my name to your list.
Michael Meadows, School of Media and Journalism,
Queensland Univ. of Technology, Brisband, QLD, Australia; has
researched and written about emergence of indigenous media in both
Australia and Canada
Wendy Meeks, Potawatomi; Student, Eastern Kentucky
Univ., Richmond, KY; mother of five
Mary Healy Mihalyi, grandmother and mother
Carol Miller, enrolled member, Cherokee Nation
of Oklahoma; Associate professor, Dept. of American Indian Studies,
Univ. of Minnesota
Mary Jane Miller, Dept. of Film Studies,
Dramatic and Visual Arts, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
Susan Miller, member, Seminole Nation; his-
torian, Oak Park, IL
Maria Montour, Mohawk/Delaware, from the Six
Nations Reserve, mother of child who is also Akwesasne Mohawk background;
Aqueous geochemist, United States Geological Survey, Denver, studying
mining activities, hoping to study environmental impacts on Native Ameri-
David L. Moore, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, New York
Kelly Morgan, Hunkpapa Lakota, from Standing Rock Reser-
vation; Instructor, English Dept., Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Patricia L. Morse, Department of American Thought and
Language, Michigan State University, East Lansing
Ann Murphy, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty
of Health Sciences, Univ. of Sydney, Lidcombe, NSW, Australia
Julia Murphy, Toronto
Robert M. Nelson, Professor, English Dept., Univ.
of Richmond, VA
Jennifer B. Norris, Staff, Boalt Hall School
of Law, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Jane I. Olmsted, Graduate student and instruc-
tor, English Dept. and Women's Studies Program, Univ. of Minnesota;
mother of three boys
Dr. Mary Jo Ondrechen, Kahnawake Mohawk Band; Profes-
sor, Chemistry Dept., Northeastern Univ., Boston
Kathy Partridge, Saami/Lapplander and
American; Program officer of a private foundation, Longmont, Colorado
Michael Patterson, Metis (Irish and Iroquois);
Writer and musician, working on M.A. thesis on Native music in Canada;
host of Spirit Voice Radio; Music Editor, "Aboriginal Voices" magazine
(formerly "The Runner"); Ottawa, Ontario
Alison Perry, British exchange student, Native
American Studies, Univ. of California-Berkeley
Donna Peterson, Tlingit from Juneau, Alaska; a Raven;
Computer engineer, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group and Cellular
Technical, Seattle, with degree from California Polytechnic State
Univ., San Luis Obispo; wife and mother of two chidlren; farmer; active
in issues concerning Alaska Native Corporation
Vince Petronio, Communication Studies/Computer
Support, College of Continuing Education, Univ. of Rhode Island
Andrew J. Petto, Associate Director, Center for
Biology Education, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
Frederic Plewniak, Strasbourg, France
Caroline Pomeroy, Fisheries social
scientist, Indiana Univ., Bloomington
James Postema, English Dept., Concordia College,
Moorhead, Minnesota; teaches Native American and United States liter-
atures; coordinator, Native American Stereotype Awareness Project
Gary W. Priester and Mary E. Carter, "white, mid-
dle-aged, middle-class supporters of Native American rights"
Mary Carol Randall, Poet; Publications
Coordinator, School of Education, UC Berkeley
Sarah Read, Staff, Current Periodicals/Stacks
Section, Knight Library, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene
Mark Rednour, with tribal affiliation through great-
grandfather; student, Geography and Mass Communications, Southern
Illinois University-Edwardsville
Carter C. Revard, Osage; Professor of English, Washington
Univ., St. Louis, MO; poet
H. Henning Riebe, Canadian, Deutsche,
Gitksan; Systems Programmer, Hagen, Germany
Mary Ritchie, Bode'Wad Mi, grandmother, feminist,
beadworker, visual anthropologist, co-founder of the Kenosha-Racine
Native American Council
Ruth Ritchie, Honours student in History and Native
Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario
J. Robinson, Anglo-Irish-Scotch, with
distant connections to Lenape; Union steward and activist; active with
Irish Northern Aid
Susan L. Rockwell, Director, National Office,
National Association for Ethnic Studies; graduate student, Arizona
State Univ., studying Native women's autobiographies; Anglo who
has experienced minority status while living in South America
James J. Roper, Ecologist, Dept. of Biology,
Leidy Labs, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Alfred F. Rosa, English Dept., Univ. of Vermont;
editor of books on language, including "Language Awareness"
(St. Martin's Press)
Maria-Helena von Rosen, Graduate student,
Sylvia Rowe, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot,
English, Irish, French, Welsh, and Scottish, with children of
Cherokee, Italian and German ancestry as well
Sally Ryman, Crow and German heritage; student,
Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA; the first in family to attend college;
plans graduate work in Slavic Literature
Elizabeth J. Sacca', Concordia University,
Montreal, PQ Canada
B Frederique Samuel, Health, Kinesiology &
Leisure Studies, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; British
citizen, associated with the Colorado River Indian Tribes
Jennifer Sergi, English Department, Rhode Island
Mary Sheldon, Assistant professor, English, Washburn
Univ., Topeka, KS; master's degree in Pastoral Ministry, Loyola Univ.;
past Director, Native American Ministry, Kansas City, Kansas Diocese,
Roman Catholic Church; past Director, Shawnee County Jail Ecumenical
Ministries; active in Topeka Peace and Justice Center; engaged to a
Lakota man; mother
Brett Lee Shelton, Oglala Lakota, born in
South Dakota, raised in Colorado; Law student, Stanford Univ., CA
Jennifer Shelton, University of Toronto, Anglo-Canadian
Waya Gola--J.T. Shupe Associate Program-
mer, IBM, Rochester, Minnesota; professional AISES member
Gary Smith (Night Owl), Mixed-blood Blackfeet; Distribu-
tor of Wotanging Ikche (Native American News)
Steve Smith, Oneida and Menominee; statistician at
the Smithsonian Institution; active with the Smithsonian's American
Indian Council
Lew Soens, Dept. of English, Univ. of Notre Dame,
Allan B. Spiegel, of European descent; Product
Engineer, Novell, Inc.; member, Board of Directors, Amanaka's Amazon
Cheryl Suzack, Anishinabae, Batchewana First Nations
of Ojbway Reservation, near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario; graduate stu-
dent, Univ. of Guelph, ON, in English, specializing in Native litera-
ture; fluent Ojibway speaker
Timothy R. Sweet, Assistant professor, English
Dept., West Virginia Univ.; teaches American and Native American lit-
Pat Talley, of Cherokee ancestry; special librarian for
a financial institution
Dawn Taylor, Navajo; chemistry/biology student,
Colorado State Univ., planning to study pharmacy; AISES regional
representative and executive board secretary; board member of Night
Walker, non-profit organization benefiting reservation Indians);
volunteer at local children's clinic; Miss Indian World Contestant
Linda Taylor, Navajo; Environmental specialist,
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Navajo Reservation, with master's degree in
special education and administration; a deaf teacher of both the dis-
abled and non-disabled
Linda Thomas, community-college librarian, with
an interest in social justice issues
David Tilsen, Direct Expressions, Inc.; activist in cam-
paign to free Leonard Peltier
A. Scott Tippetts, Cherokee, Scottish, Swiss, English;
Chief Statistician/Data Analyst, National Public Services Research
Institute, Washington, D.C.; has researched alcohol/drug issues and
their physiological, psychological, social, and economic effects; hus-
band and father of two children
Iva Wolf Trottier, Fort Peck Assiniboine and Chip-
pewa; Psychology Dept., Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota
Anneliese Truame, Pima, Anglo, Mexican; Graduate
student and instructor, English literature, Univ. of Washington
Gary S. Trujillo, Computer specialist; founder and
co-moderator of NativeNet; environmentalist
Nora Bunce Tsalagi, Cherokee; graduating
Elementary Education student, with Psychology degree; past president,
Southern Oregon State College Native American Student Union; delegate
to Oregon Indian Education Association and Association of Post-
Secondary Education; has worked to develop mentoring programs for at-
risk high-school students; has developed programs for wilderness-living
experiences for youth; nine years' experience as a medical technician
where she witnessed many problems stemming from alcohol abuse; mother;
Delphine Tsinajinnie, Nihookaa' Dine'e; Biology
student, Arizona State Univ.
Lester Tsosie, Dine'; MBA student, Univ. of
Renn Tumlison, Dept. of Biology, Henderson State
University, Arkadelphia, AR
Joseph F. Uher, member of an intertribal
community (Lakota, Apache, Chumash, Nanticoke and Lenilenape,
Abenaki and Cherokee) in Eastern Shore, Maryland
Shelley Urbizagastegui, Governent Documents Librarian,
Whittier College, Whittier, California; son Waira is Quechua
Mark Vallen, artist/activist, Los Angeles, trying to
work for social change through his art, in particular designing for
community-action and social-justice organizations
Gerard Vandeburg, educator, Rocky Boy
School, Rocky Boy's Reservation, Montana
Dawn Van Hall, Chair, Native American Con-
cerns Committee, State University of New ork-Cortland; campus photo-
Denis Viri, Italian-American descent; Director
of Tribal Relations and Outreach, Pima County Community College Dis-
trict, Tucscon, AZ
Andy Wainwright, Poet and professor of Canadian
literature, including Native fiction, poetry, and film, Dalhousie
Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia
Joel Wainwright, Norwegian/German ancestry;
Environmental Studies student, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA
Glenn Welker,
Computer Consultant/Web Master - Indigenous Peoples Literature
Lori Windle, Enrolled member, Minnesota Chippewa
Tribe, White Earth; Video producer, Dept. of the Interior, Surface
Mining Reclamation; had award-winning documentary, Red Earth American
Indian Film and Video Competition, 1995; Secretary, American Indian
Program Council, a cross-agency committee of Federal employees con-
cerned with increasing visibility, recruitment, and retention of
Indians in Federal workforce; member, advisory panel, Denver Center
for the Performing Arts American Indian Theatre Academy, and also on
the Denver Center's Indian Task Force Committee
Janet Lee Wright, Citizens' Band Potawatomi of Oklahoma,
living in Oxon Hill, Maryland
Kari Ylitalo, BM, Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of
Oulu, Finland
Orlando Mannie
PSC BOX 8079
Cherrypoint,NC 28533
James Robert Wolf Chester, New Jersey, 1985 graduate from Bethany College,
Bethany WV Currently the Special Assistant to the Executive Director of
the United States Equestrian Team as well as the Director of
Three Day Event Activities.
Suzanne Drake, RN, CNS, MA Psychotherapist
Ramsey, New Jersey
Minnesota State Attorney General's Office
Compiled by: Glenn Welker
This site has been accessed 10,000,000 times since February 8, 1996.
525 Park St.
Suite 500
St. Paul, MN 55103
Robert Gough, Attorney for Seth
Big Crow and Crazy Horse's heirs
P.O. Box 25
Rosebud, SD 57570
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