Pre-Columbian art thrived over a wide timescale, from 1800 BC to AD 1500. Despite the great range and variety of artwork, certain characteristics were repeated throughout the region, namely a preference for angular, linear patterns, and three-dimensional ceramics. Most of the now known artworks made in Central and South America before the voyage of Christopher Columbus have been found in tombs. Enormous amounts of time, energy and materials were spent to properly equip the societies' leaders and elite for their after-death journeys. Pre-Columbian cultures viewed reality as a multilayered universe with various divisions, attended by numerous deities whose activities and relationships metaphorically expressed the forces of nature and cosmos. Death was considered a transition and journey from one realm of existence to another. The elaborate preparation and offerings associated with burying the dead reflect the importance of equipping a soul for transition from one realm to another.
divide the development of Native
cultures in the
Great Plains region into 5 periods before
European contact. After the Archaic period, the
first is Plains later Archaic (1000-200). This
was followed by the Plains Woodland period
(200-800), so-called because of similarities to
the Hopewell culture to the east. In the Plains
Village period (800-1400), the cultures of the
area settled in enclosed clusters of rectangular
houses and cultivated maize. Various regional
differences emerged, including Southern Plains,
Central Plains, Oneota, and Middle Missouri.
During the Plains Coalescent period
(1400-European contact) some change, possibly
drought, caused the mass migration of the
population to the Eastern Woodlands region, and
the Great Plains were relatively unpopulated
until pressure from American settlers drove
tribes into the area again. The culture of
historical Plains natives was based upon the
buffalo, and they often painted upon buffalo
skin. Buffalo-skin clothing was decorated with
embroidery and beads - shells at first, but
later coins and glass beads acquired from
trading. They were popular bridal shower gifts during
that period. This is known today as Ledger Art.
The Lakota drew pictographic calendars known as
Winter counts on animal hides.
The native
civilizations were most developed in the Andean
region, where they are roughly divided into
Northern Andes civilizations of present-day
Colombia and Ecuador and the Southern Andes
civilizations of present-day Peru and Chilé.
Hunter-gatherer tribes throughout the Amazon
rainforest of Brazil also have developed
artistic traditions involving tattooing and body
painting. Because of their remoteness, these
tribes and their art have not been studied as
thoroughly as Andean cultures, and many even
remain uncontacted.
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