Gunilla Hodkin

The Wellbeing Movement

About the Artist

"My Life is a dedication to the Freedom of the Soul"

Gunilla is a spiritual vagabond, world traveler, healer, and writer. She is an entertainer, model, spiritual counselor, life coach, and the creator/producer of the Wellbeing Movement and author of The Return of A Runaway Spirit - A true adventure of soul survival and freedom. She teaches and performs Reiki as a tool for healing, self-empowerment and self-realization, and conduct workshops and seminars on healing, holistic health, creative self-expression, and manifestation.


Gunilla completed a B. A in psychology at University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1997. Psychology papers included were: abnormal, cognitive, comparative, biological, research and statistics, health, developmental, psychology of sensation, perception and language, and learning and behavior analyses. She also studied classics, drama, and religion. In preparation for clinical psychology Gunilla worked with people with serious mental illness and intellectual handicap. She was accepted for post-graduate studies at Rhodes University in South Africa, well known for its psychology department, but returned to the United States to proceed a more liberal and independent education. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and have also received initiations for Karuna and Shambala Reiki 1 & 2. She is undergoing training to become a certified Soul Processing Liberator.


Before Gunilla got involved in the health field, she experienced success in harness racing, with horses in Sweden, France and particularly the United States. In Sweden she had Grizzly Adams Bernese Mountain Dog kennel, and traveled to dog shows all over Scandinavia. She enjoyed extreme success with her dogs, especially with International Swedish Norweigen Show Champion Swedish Winner -90 Norweigen Winner -90-91 Skeppshults D-Maserati, known as Charlie, from the first litter of her Swedish Norweigen Show Champion Grizzly Adams Bamse. She has also worked in sales and the food industry.

Gunilla is a Swedo-Finn, belonging to an ethnic minority of 300.000 Swedish speaking people born in Finland. Her family migrated to Sweden when she was four. She started travelling at an early age and had explored North-East United States, Europe, Great Britain and Scandinavia before she migrated to New Zealand in 1992. Although studying at the university, she still traveled extensively four months a year and explored Australia, India, Middle East (Egypt, Jordan, Israel) and Canada. In 1997 she left New Zealand permanently and spent the next two years in spiritual pursuit through Israel, Turkey, and Southern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe). She has visited thirty-two countries and continues to visit Sweden and New Zealand on regular bases, as well as exploring new parts of the world. Gunilla has lived in southern California and in Sedona, Arizona, since 1999. She now lives in North Carolina.

(click to play)
Music by Robert Aviles

History of the Well Being Movement

How the diet was born

I lived in Sedona, Arizona in 1999 and spent a lot of time in meditation and stillness. The last two and half years I had been traveling around India, Africa and the Middle East, neither of these places offered the diet or exercise regime I was accustomed to in New Zealand, and the pounds had slowly crept on. I was overweight and had never been on any kind of cleansing except for water fasts many years ago. I started to get prompts and suggestions from within to get on an extended fast. I decided to listen to the guidance and instead of doing my usual water and fruit juice fast, I started mixing fruit and vegetable drinks in the blender. Not only were they extremely delicious and nourishing, the weight started to fall off rapidly. I could feel myself shrinking and the best thing was that the fat depots that never seemed to want to let go before, vanished. I was so thrilled I kept going. My looks, skin, and eyes, changed within days and people started asking me what I was doing - I looked good. More importantly, I felt good. In fact, I felt better than I could remember. After three weeks I went back to ordinary food but it didn t taste anything like I remembered. It didn't satisfy me anymore, plus I missed the feeling of lightness the diet had provided. After a few days I went back on the diet for another set. It was amazing to be able to eat and drink the foods I love the most, lose weight, look good and feel great.

As I was leaving for Sweden, five weeks into the diet, I had lost twenty-five pounds. A couple of days before departure I started to get prompts to offer this diet to other people as well. I wasn't keen on the idea. I realized how much work it entailed, but the thought wouldn't leave my consciousness. I felt like a conduit with messages and information pouring through to the extent of making me nauseous. As I boarded the plane in Denver for the first leg of my journey, the pilot informed us we could expect a lot of turbulence on the route to Detroit. There had been severe tornadoes going across the nation the last few weeks and we would pass through the storms. I had forgotten to take my motion sickness pills the same morning and wasn't thrilled by the announcement. Still bombarded with suggestions of making the diet public, I decided to make a deal. Ok, I would present it to the whole, if, and only if, we would get a smooth flight without any turbulence, all the way to Detroit. I thought I was being really clever.

Shortly after take-off the pilot wanted everybody to sit down and buckle up as we approached the storm. We were in the middle of breakfast and would be served the rest later. As people started to get prepared for the turbulence, I visualized angels holding on to the wings of the plane to keep it steady, angels pushing up on the belly of the plane, and angels making the lines of energy in front of us, all smooth and steady. After a few minutes the pilot returned and he sounded surprised and relieved that we didn't experience any turbulence whatsoever. We returned to breakfast but shortly after we were asked to allow for the stewardess to safely sit down again. The whole scenario repeated itself. The pilot sounded more relieved than surprised this time.

As we kept approaching our destination this happened several times. The whole time I kept visualizing the angels preparing for a smooth flight. Finally the pilot gave in to his bewilderment and proclaimed:

"I don't understand what's going on here! To the right is the worst storm I have ever seen in my twenty years of flying! Every plane in front of us, and behind us, reports severe turbulence and we haven't experienced any turbulence at all."

When I got back to Sweden I started compiling the Wellbeing Movement. It started out as a tailor made program and came with an extensive questionnaire and consultation. It was extremely time consuming and luckily I soon realized the similarities in peoples desires and needs, and could make it into one program only.

The profit from the Wellbeing Movement will support and maintain various projects for global peace and spiritual awakening.

Here is Proof Positive:

Before the Diet
After the Diet

I have kept the weight off ever since and eat and drink what I wish.
My whole being has moved into balance and
a state of wellbeing on all levels.

I come from a lineage of seriously overweight people with
several early deaths in the family due to health problems.

The Wellbeing Movement has not only improved my life
tremendously - it has prolonged it for decades.

I am grateful for this blessing and
wish to share the gift with you.

World Peace Begins Within

"How we treat others is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves"

"We never stop being children inside, we only forget how to play"

"Be Still and Know"

"Detachment is the path to a pain-free existence.

Conformity is the opposite of creative self-expression.

Commitments keep us from living in the moment."

Click on images for a full-sized view.

"Move with ease and grace through life,

Allow yourself to flow and dance the rhythm of life.

Life is like a river, you will never wash your face in the same water. "

"Live on the edge or you'll take up too much space"


"Rise above every situation and
allow for the bigger picture to emerge"



'Dogs know how to love unconditionally,
without expectations or investments.
They just love.

Drop the "I will love you if" and just love.
Everything and everybody.

Let it flow through you.
If you want more love in your life
Give more love.'

A Universal Law

"Find out the truth for yourself - don t believe what you hear"


In South Africa I had the opportunity to meet the Great White Shark up close. Being a thrill seeker and adventurer, I was anticipating the adrenalin rush I was sure to get on a little boat in Ghaansbai's shark-infested waters.

Instead, I met the most gracious of animals, with beauty and poise it moved through the water. I was filled with endless love and in awe of this magnificent creature.

"A mighty tree is only a nut
who once stood it's ground"

"Free yourself of
addictions and conditioning.

Bilbao tree, Zimbabwe
(the largest and oldest of its kind)

Released from
self-imposed restrictions
You are as free as the
animals in the wild."

"Mastery of self comes from
harnessing your emotions,
desires, needs, thoughts,
words and actions"

"Spirit comes forth out of the
creative void of stillness
In silence you cultivate the art of listening

Tap into the fountain of joy dwelling
inside your being and
grow your wisdom - endlessly"

Gunilla travels nationwide for workshops, seminars,
and to presentation of the Wellbeing Movement
at inspirational evenings.

She is also available for private counseling sessions.

For more information, please phone her at:

(858) 382 - 7588

or by email at:

Other Works by the Author

The Return of A Runaway Spirit
A true adventure of soul survival and freedom

"The Return of A Runaway Spirit" is a
book on spiritual psychology, that will:

* assist in prevention of pain and suffering
   by promoting healing and self-growth

* inspire and encourage people to find their truth

* tell a story turning tragedy into triumph

It will increase awareness in the areas of:

* child abuse, neglect and crises therapy

* providing a spiritual, nurturing and safe environment for children

* teenage suicide, suicidal behavior, prevention, and treatment

* self-destructive and masked behavior

* emotional, physical, sexual, and spiritual abuse and trauma

* creative self-expression of souls

* spiritual connection and soul recovery

* courage and faith

* healing; uncovering the true self by ruthless pursuit of the truth

* realization of unconscious agreements made in dysfunctional conditions

* cessation of escape from the self and the return of spirit into physical body

* ultimate freedom, joy, and peace within

Check back for more details and excerpts.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy, contact Gunilla at:

or by phone

(858) 382 - 7588

The Wellbeing Movement proudly presents
Michael E. Berger as a member of our consulting team:

Background, training and experience:

Michael brings an integration of 30 years of advanced holistic studies, spiritual training and sucessful professional experience in personal growth and development. He was originally trained by psychologist Phyllis Fleishchman, Founder/Director of Play Mountain Place, the most renowned free school in the United States. He was a teacher and leader in Free School education from 1970-1975.

Michael received his spiritual training from Pir Vilayat Khan, leader of the Sufi order of the West, and the Fellowship of the Inner Light by Tara Singh, author of profound books on the Course of Miracles. He also received 7 years of holistic spiritual life training from enlightened master Ma Das, based upon Integral Yoga and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo.

Michael continuously runs workshops on Creating Conscious Relationships on a Spiritual Path in Encinitas, California, as well as providing counseling services. He operates on a sliding scale, is fluent in English and Spanish, and counsels both in person and over the phone.

For information about a session in counseling, Gestalt Therapy, Life Purpose Coaching, or Soul Processing, phone Michael at:

(760) 635 - 7510

© 1995-2001

Gunilla Hodkin

Compiled & Edited by:
Glenn Welker

Last Updated: October 21, 2001

This site has been accessed times since February 8, 1996.