Racism & Stereotypes
The importance of multicultural
education is a struggle against white racism,
rather than multiculturalism as a way to
appreciate diversity. Both historically and in
contemporary society, the relationships between
racial and ethnic groups in this country are
framed within a context of unequal power. People
of European descent generally assume the power to
claim the land, claim the resources, claim the
language. They even claim the right to frame the
culture and identity of who we are as Americans.
That has been the case ever since Columbus landed
on the North American continent.The Indigenous
Peoples of the Americas sacred homelands were
stolen from them, they were enslaved and killed by
diseases, wars and alcohol. And those who survived
this Roman Catholic Church instigated and promoted
genocide were forced onto reservations
(concentration camps) where they are now being
assimilated. And on these reservations they are
dying from alcohol abuse, hard drug abuse, tobacco
abuse, poor diets etc.. And most white Christian
leaders do not even care enough to do anything
about this terrible situation. It's like when the
Jews in white European Catholic nations were
forced into slums where they were dying of
malnutrition and diseases until Hitler decided not
to prolong the genocide and exterminated them in
his gas chambers. Christianity came to the
Americas nearly five centuries ago. Spirituality
had been here long before that, and while
Christians often disregard the principles of
Christianity, nowhere has it done more damage than
to the people native to the Americas.
Traditionally, Native Americans recognized the
presence of the Creator in all of His
Creation...living and inert. Dating back centuries
Native Americans are credited with respecting this
creation: The lakes, which today are poisoned or
have died. The earth, now cursed with pesticides
and dotted with overcrowded landfills. The sky,
today sporting holes in its unseen ozone and
sporting too, thick layers of visible smog.
European setters denied Native Americans their
rights...to land, to life, to religion. Much was
lost. And while there is little effort to retrieve
that which was lost, something can be learned from
it, even today.
Racism is often the reason why indigenous territories are targeted for invasion by other groups; racism is also often the reason why indigenous peoples are denied access to effective remedies. In this way, racism leads to a vicious circle of dispossession, inaction on the part of public authorities and further dispossession. Dispossession results in extreme poverty amongst indigenous peoples, which in turn intensifies the racism directed against them. The land problem and the problem of racism must be addressed together; they are the same problem.
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Compiled by: Glenn
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