Columbus Site Menu

- 1492 - An Ongoing Voyage
- American Indian Genocide Museum
- Bartolome de las Casas
- Chinese beat Columbus to America
- Columbus Day
- Columbus Day Banned by PC
- Continuation of a Genocidal Legacy
- Dark Side of Columbus' Legacy
- Disease and the Conquest of the Americas
- Faithful Response to the 500th Anniversay
- Genocide
- Genocide of Columbus
- Goodbye Columbus!
- Hatuey y Guarina
- Indigenous Peoples Day
- Racism against Indigenous peoples
- Revoking the Papal Bull of 1493
- Spanish Defender of Indian Human Rights
- Speech by Thor Heyerdahl
- Stereotypes/Racism
- They Came Before Columbus
- Thoughts on Thanksgiving
- Torture and Genocide, an American Tradition
- Trails of Tears
- Transform Columbus Day
- We Were Not the Savages
- Why AIM opposes Columbus Day
- Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day?
- YouTube Videos

Indigenous Peoples' Literature Return to Indigenous Peoples' Literature

Compiled by: Glenn Welker

Copyright @ 1993-2016

This site has been accessed 10,000,000 times since February 8, 1996.